Anime extravaganza BY klaudia

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11 Responses to Anime extravaganza BY klaudia

  1. ojers says:

    Before, you had more information, I preferred the other blog but anyways, it was good!

  2. chukr says:

    Though I don’t like anime it was very interesting

  3. igbas says:

    I love this and I also love anime

  4. edorz says:

    I like that you showed the birthday of each character and their zodiac sign, I also like that you put the picture of the character to know what they looked liked.;)

    Very interesting.

  5. perel says:

    I’m not into this but it is informative 🙂

  6. lawak says:

    Lots of information

  7. otobs says:

    lots of info and it wants me to know more about anime

  8. spenj says:


  9. onyek says:

    nICE I lIKE ANIME ASWELL bU t NoT As muCh as yOu

  10. lshanahan says:

    I like the pictures you’ve added to show what you’re speaking about! Well done!

  11. ibidc says:

    Nice description and photos.

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